Monday, February 15, 2010

Raspberry Rhapsody

Raspberry because it alliterates, and because it's yummy, like what this post is about :)

Jo-Ann commented that I'm the epitome of one who reads for a hobby. On the contrary, I think I'm in a new category called the book consumers. I don't quite so much read books as I consume, devour them, hah!

Oficial reading period: 3.5 yrs
Books read: 180
Books expenditure: $1,800
Books donated: 15
Personal store: 60
*all figures are roughly accurate estimates

Words are completely inadequate in decsribing what it's like when you find someone put into words the deep stirrings of your soul that you are incapable of articulating.

It's euphoria, ecstasy, delirium, enchantment, intoxification, rhapsody all rolled into one.

It's like the positive version of having your funny bones squeezed with a pair of pliers.

It's like the explosion of all your nerves simultaneously, like fireworks going off in your stomach and your whole soul being set ablaze by something celestial.

It's like wings beneath your feet, like a picture of rainbows and sunshine and shooting stars, like effervescence rising inside you, like a thousand bottles of champagne being popped and the whole world singing and dancing along with you.

It's like a river of mirth rupturing from beneath and as it breaks the ground, the angels peer down from behind the clouds to see what business this is going on down here that shakes the heavenlies.

Hah! I may get carried away with my descriptives, but they still fall short of capturing that very, very, very wonderful experience.

Oh, if only you can feel what I feel, you would be reading like I did.

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