Wednesday, February 17, 2010

More Post-its on What-nots

Grace Loke says I'm losing the red side of me.
Did I mention I'm going into a winter colour phase (that would be your teal, deep purples, dark browns and magenta)?

Apple flavoured frolick is baaad yoghurt :(
But Cas plus Yinky makes good company, and the company definitely made up for the less-than-satisfactory dessert :)

Danieloke is going to Cambodia for three months for a mission trip on his own?!?!
This guy rocks man!

Thoughts from the box in the attic...none, just an old quote that still rocks my soul everytime I read it.
"The night I sailed for China, March 3, 1893. My life, on the human side, was broken, and it was never mended again. But He has been enough."
Amy Carmichael

More thoughts on being unmended borkenness coming later.

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