Friday, June 11, 2010

A Dusting Off

After a long day at work (with an extended meeting pushing way beyond the limits of my mental capacity), I was crossing the overhead bridge outside 4 How Sun Drive when I snapped out of my reverie just in time to see 28 approaching at a speed too fast for me to catch. Still, banging on a glimmer of hope, I gave chase.

The result?
Stuck at the bus stop, past 8pm, hungry, emotionally drained, mentally exhausted and now physically worn out as well. I slumped onto the seats and wondered if something is out against me.

Raising my thoughts to God, I asked if the arrangement had to be this accurate - being in deep thought, the sandals, no one getting on or off at the stop, the red light that turned green just as I neared...all these contributing the loss of precious seconds that just might have resulted in a different outcome for my endeavour to catch the bus.

Still, in the moments that ensued, I willed my will, against all odds, to find the new center of peace that I have recently discovered. The act itself takes effort from every mental fibre available to shut out distractions, resist plugging into music, not sink into self-pity or any other equally destructive emotion, and basically disallow the mind to wander into any other grounds except the one place where peace is to be found.

Slowly, as laboured breathing evened out, the thought that God goes to extreme lengths at times to catch our attention or force us to slow down brought a smile, and I found my soul being unshackled from the weight of the world. Oddly enough, the next bus that came was neither 93 nor 158. It only confirmed my presupposition that it had been part of His orchestration all along.

The brief interruption to a daily routine, though not entirely desired, was much needed. In those few precious minutes, I regained the heart of gratitude as I relinquished the burden of work and minsitry into the loving Father's hands through a spot of meditation. By the time the following 28 came rumbling along, my soul and spirit had been refreshed and I was ready to head home after dinner to prepare for the following day of work.

Each day, it seems, we pick up dirt and dust that forms part of our baggage. It takes a bit of lingering the presence of God to clear this baggage. I'm beginning to see the necessity of starting and ending the day right with God, and this cannot be done without entering His presence and allowing Him to change us.

Be still and know that He is God.

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