I'mma back! And Foxy my pet welcomes me with a morning workout, woohoo! Not to mention a couple of grey bunny wabbits as surprise guests :)
So with a nicely coordinated surprise, a heart-wrenching rendition of 'Happy Birthday' sung with much gusto by the CG guys (you guys ought to be on national tv), a scrummy-licious cake and a tub full of mashed potato, followed by dinner at Mad Jack's and a fifteen minute chillout at Fifteen Minutes (no kidding you there), 13 of March 2010 was spent memorably with the special warm fuzzy feeling still lingering.
Unfortunately, the flu bug attacked, causing absence from my work desk for a good two and a half days. But having slept a day's worth over Monday and Tuesday, I'm back with some fresh zest and enough spunk to take on the world (almost)!
I could film my own version of Home Alone now, having enjoyed peace and quiet for the past four days. Feeling especially proud of my laundry efforts and upkeeping with the mail. Must remember to water the plants. Oh and, time to engage the good, old trusty vaccuum cleaner again!
This living alone thing, I could get used to it, you know.
Maybe when I have a salary fat enough, I'll rent my own pad :)
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Ave says, "Home is where the heart is, and your heart is where people who love you are."
Yinky says, "If I grow my roots in God, no matter where I go, I will find home."
Ave says, "That's even deeper and truer."
May my heart be found in God.
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