The taxi uncle's overly zealous attempt to eject me out of his vehicle by pressing the button for the automated passenger door resulted in my plastic bag falling out onto the side walk and my favourite shawl drenched in disgusting rainwater on the tarmac road. Even more permanent damage included both halves of my focacia bread, which was not meant to come into contact with contaminated rain water before consumption.
Knew I shouldn't have taken both havles.
Now I've wasted an unnecessary half.
Walked into the building trying very hard to stay calm but failing epicly.
Chided myself for not just grabbing my plastic bag first before I kept the change.
Thankful that at least my newly bought cushion remained unharmed by the disaster.
A dark office door indicated the lack of human presence.
Great, not even a soul to gripe to.
Dunked my ruined breakfast into the trash on my way to the ladies' to wash my shawl. Loud, jovial singing of Lord I Lift Your Name On High wisped within range of my hearing and within seconds, dispelled all feelings of raw anger.
Thank you Jesus for a much needed, timely act of grace to ease my tensed spiritual muscles.
Minutes later, my shawl is clean and I've settled down with chee cheong fun and a nice cup of soya bean milk, courtesy of the staff Wednesday meeting that includes breakfast. When I came back into the office an hour and a half later, my shawl, which I'd left on the backs of a couple of chair to dry, had dried out and was ready for use.
I'm not about to end with a 'Hallelujah, praise God!'. Not that God doesn't deserve it - on the contrary, He deserve more than a sometimes clichedly used phrase.
What I need is something that better expresses my feelings of being humbled by a very, big God.
Thank You, thank You, thank You.
Tis poison and cancer in my soul, but You are the light that keeps me walking.