Monday, February 1, 2010

The Scapel in His Hands

There are three kinds of guys on this planet.
Guys that make me cry - in frustration.
Guys that make me smile.
And guys that make me cry - in gratitude.

The third category kind of a guy is so rare I've only met one in my entire life (though one might be quick to remind that my entire life consists of a month and a half short of twenty-two years). Well, I can only think of one offhand. He's really the reason why I'm blogging this post in the first place anyway :)

I like Eric Ludy's description of this kind of men - warrior poets. They fight like warriors and love like poets. There's something true about men like that.

I can't stop singing "I love the look that I see in your eyes when every morning you brush open mine...drawn to the steeples of whitewashed cathedrals where words that are spoken are to no avail | do you remember the day that I left yet you told me you loved me and helped me see that..."

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