Friday, October 30, 2009

Name a Genre

There's a trend in movies recently, an observable influx of a currently unnamed genre (at least, unnamed to me). After a steady diet of movies like The Time Traveler's Wife, 500 Days of Summer, Julie & Julia and My Sister's Keeper, I'm beginning to fall in love with movies that make a big deal out of the small things.

You know how it used to be with those block-busters, action, sci-fi, thrillers and what have you not. They have this clichéd tendency to work up towards a climax before combusting in your face with a loud bang, leaving your heart beating a tad too fast and your breath slightly short. And of course, the unmistakable dip in adrenaline as you mentally prepare yourself for the credits.

I remember as a kid dreading the moments when the lights will go on in the cinema. It's like being held spellbound for over a hundred minutes and suddenly, curtain falls, light dawn, the magic ends and you're all too abruptly thrown back into the cruel realities of a world that is none too friendly for little kids with too big an imagination.

The thing I like about this new genre is that you never quite know when the movie's going to end, and even when the credits have started rolling, the scent of the movie lingers in the atmosphere, and the plot continues to play out even as you exit the cinema. It's almost as if the script becomes woven into the fabric of reality -your world of reality- and never quite ends.

I love such movies (:

They deserve a genre of their own. Did a spot of research and the closest I found was 'drama', which is so bleargh. I thought I found something fitting when I stumbled upon 'espionage' (doesn't it sound exotic?) but a few more clicks later discovered it refers to spy films (oh great).

So this genre shall rename unnamed for the moment, and I'll come back to it later when inspiration has arrived (:

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