Sunday, August 23, 2009


Went for YA CGL bs today.
Too many acronyms?
That's young adult, cell group leader and bible study.

Not that I'm one yet, but will be soon, in about four months.
Oh gosh.
I was just getting used to this whole CGL thing in Frontline Youth and now I'm getting vamooshed to YA! (do you hear an aaaaaarrrrggggh~)

Too many changes, too many uncertainties, too many loose ends not tied down.
It's a good thing Joanne pointed out that I'm tired, having slept at 3am and woke up at 7am for girls' bs.

Oh God, is it too much to ask for some certainty?

Took an evening nap, but still feeling emotionally drained.
Hope it gets better tomorrow.
Work starts.
I'll be too busy to think about this for at least two weeks.
After that...God knows.
It is often in the winds of change that we find our true direction.

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