Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Dance for Me.

I am NOT a dancer who is a Christian.
I am a Christian who is a dancer.
And not just any dancer - a dancer by calling.

It's getting a little hard to explain that to non-believers who think I'm in the wrong course. Honestly, if it'd been left up to me, I wouldn't be in this course either.

But that's the point.
I didn't want it to be up to me - I wanted it to be up to Jesus.

My only pain is in that I am not able to bring glory to His name by flourishing in my trade, and on top of that, I fear I smear His name with my lack of skill.
I remember those years when I worked so hard to get to the top for my own purposes. "Pain is good" had been my mantra.
But now...
If I work, I work for my Savior.
Him and Him alone be my source of motivation and strength.

I know I'm a little lost. I just need some time to find my way.

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