Tuesday, December 30, 2008


You silly girl why did you say it sounded gay when you actually really like the song and you actually think it's a brave thing to do?!
K-box is fun :) though I've only been, what - 5 times in my entire life?

Mah-jong is fun, only it isn;t fun cause I've played 3 sessions and so far I;ve done nothing but lose money.
And my shi san yao always gets hijacked!!!
I can't believe it.
I actually have the luck (or lack thereof) to get shi san yao two times when I've only played 3 sessions!

Haato ice cream is the best!!!
I can totally see why chocolate banana is Olie's all time favourite
CS is ok fun, though the violence takes a bit of getting used to.
Then again, I'm not so sure it's a good thign to get used to it.
Dota again!
I'm getting the hang of the Dwarven Sniper, which is alot easier than Lina Inverse, though she's still prettier :P

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