Tuesday, October 14, 2008

One Hundred

I was saving this post for something special :)

I have never received so many flowers in my life for a show!
7 daisies and a sunflower - am I loved or am I loved?
It's so funny cause Ria gave me red, pink and yellow daisies, one of each, and Sam and Belle showed up later with the exact same flowers!
Girlfriends so totally rock!
Of course, the sunflower's a classic from my loving mummy and daddy who have always been there to support me :)

I'm amused that...
Mummy, Daddy, Ria, Andy, Sam, Belle, Ivan and Kingsley were all late and missed The Vacant House! (which is like, the msot important piece to me)
Yi Jun thought the show was at 8pm and missed it completely -_-;

I'm delighted that...
Suyin came to watch! What a pleasant surprise :)
And Shaun smsed me, and Kaye sent her love too!

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